Vinyasa360® is a special Vinyasa style class practiced on 2 crossed mats. Each class follows the unique sequencing principles of Ayama Yoga studio founder and Director Mariano Ardissone who believes “movement in the physical body affects our consciousness, so moving around 360 degrees also promotes a multidimensional relationship with existence, energetically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.” Using 2 mats instead of 1 allows for a greater freedom of movement, now students are no longer limited to linear front and back movements and are able to explore new creative transitions while turning in multi-directional space. This class format invites a refined sense of presence since the student needs to be alert at all times.
This is an intermediate – moderate paced class, students are invited to practice advanced asanas, arm balances and inversions though modifications are offered and practicing beginners are allowed to attend at their discretion after speaking with the teacher. *This class is intended to be practiced on 2 crossed mats. Students must bring 2 mats or rent a second mat for $5.